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Surname :GarabetianFrédéric Garabetian
First Name :Frédéric
Status :Enseignant-Chercheur UBX (Professeur HDR)
Thematic Teams(s) :Ecology and Biogeochemistry of Coastal Systems
Address :UMR CNRS 5805 EPOC - OASU
Université de Bordeaux
Site de Talence - Bâtiment B18N
Allée Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire
CS 50023
Telephone :
E-mail :frederic.garabetian@u-bordeaux.fr

Expertise / Responsabilities
microbial ecology

Lamarque B., Deflandre B., Dalto A.G., Schmidt S., Romero-Ramirez A., Garabetian F., Dubosq N., Diaz M., Grasso F., Sottolichio A., Bernard G., Gillet H., Cordier M.A., Poirier D., Lebleu P., Derriennic H., Danilo M., Tenorio M.M.B., Gremare A. (2021) Spatial distributions of surface sedimentary organics and sediment profile image characteristics in a high-energy temperate marine riomar: The west gironde mud patch, Journal of Marine Science and Engineering, 9(3), 1-32., doi: 10.3390/jmse9030242.

Garabetian F., Vitte I., Sabourin A., Moussard H., Jouanillou A., Mornet L., Lesne M., Lyautey E. (2020) Uneven genotypic diversity of Escherichia coli in fecal sources limits the performance of a library-dependent method of microbial source tracking on the southwestern French Atlantic coast, Canadian Journal of Microbiology, 66(1)2, 698-712, doi: 10.1139/cjm-2020-0244.

Masse C., Garabetian F., Deflandre B., Maire O., Costes L., Mesmer-Dudons N., Duchene J.C., Bernard G., Gremare A., Ciutat A. (2019) Feeding ethology and surface sediment reworking by the ampharetid polychaete Melinna palmata Grube, 1870: Effects on sediment characteristics and aerobic bacterial community composition, Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology, 512, 63-77, doi: 10.1016/j.jembe.2018.12.009.

Leite L., Jude-Lemeilleur F., Raymond N., Henriques I., Garabetian F., Alves A. (2017) Phylogenetic diversity and functional characterization of the Manila clam microbiota: a culture-based approach, Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 24, 21721-21732, doi: 10.1007/s11356-017-9838-z.

de Montaudouin X., Lucia M., Binias C., Lassudrie M., Baudrimont M., Legeay A., Raymond N., Jude-Lemeilleur F., Lambert C., Le Goic N., Garabetian F., Gonzalez P., Hegaret H., Lassus P., Mehdioub W., Bourasseau L., Daffe G., Paul-Pont I., Plus M., Do V.T., Meisterhans G., Mesmer-Dudons N., Caill-Milly N., Sanchez F., Soudant P. (2016) Why is Asari (=Manila) clam Ruditapes philippinarum fitness poor in Arcachon Bay: A meta-analysis to answer?, Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 179, 226-235, doi: 10.1016/j.ecss.2015.09.009.

Masse C., Meisterhans G., Deflandre B., Bachelet G., Bourrasseau L., Bichon S., Ciutat A., Jude-Lemeilleur F., Lavesque N. Raymond N., Gremare A., Garabetian F. (2016) Bacterial and macrofaunal communities in the sediments of the West Gironde Mud Patch, Bay of Biscay (France), Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 179, 189-200, doi: 10.1016/j.ecss.2016.01.011.

Meisterhans G., Raymond N., Girault E., Lambert C., Bourasseau L., de Montaudouin X., Garabetian F., Jude-Lemeilleur F. (2016) Structure of Manila clam (Ruditapes philippinarum) microbiota at the organ scale in contrasting sets of individuals, Microbial Ecology, 7(1), 194-206, doi: 10.1007/s00248-015-0662-z.

Iribar A., Hallin S., Perez J.M.S., Enwall K., Poulet N., Garabetian F. (2015) Potential denitrification rates are spatially linked to colonization patterns of nosZ genotypes in an alluvial wetland, Ecological Engineering, 80, 191-197, doi: 10.1016/j.ecoleng.2015.02.002.

Bouletreau S., Lyautey E., Dubois S., Compin A., Delattre C., Touron-Bodilis A., Mastrorillo S., Garabetian F. (2014) Warming-induced changes in denitrifier community structure modulate the ability of phototrophic river biofilms to denitrify, Science of the Total Environment, 466-467, 856-863, doi: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2013.07.121.

Garabetian F., Lyautey E., Bourasseau L., Daffe G., Girault E., Jude-Lemeilleur F., Leconte M., Persilie E., Raymond N., Thevand A., Vitte I. (2013) Microbial source tracking in the Arcachon bay. validation of culture-based libraries of escherichia coli and enterococci genotypes. [Identification des sources de contamination fécales en milieu côtier (IDFEC): Validation d'une base de données de Microbial Source Tracking pour le bassin d'Arcachon], Techniques - Sciences - Methodes, 2013(4), 38-49.

Lyautey E., Hallin S., Teissier s., Iribar A., Compin A., Philippot L., Garabetian F. (2013) Abundance, activity and structure of denitrifier communities in phototrophic river biofilms (River Garonne, France), Hydrobiologia, 716.

Bouletreau S., Salvo E., Lyautey E., Mastrorillo S., Garabetian F. (2012) Temperature dependence of denitrification in phototrophic river biofilms, Science of the Total Environment, 416, 323-328.

Bouletreau S., Charcosset J.Y., Gamby J., Lyautey E., Mastrorillo S., Azemar F., Moulin F., Tribollet B., Garabetian F. (2011) Rotating disk electrodes to assess river biofilm thickness and elasticity, Water Research, 45, 1347-1357.

Lyautey E., Cournet A., Morin S., Bouletreau S., Etcheverry L., Charcosset J. Y., Delmas F., Bergel A., Garabetian F. (2011) Electroactivity of phototrophic river biofilms and constitutive cultivable bacteria, Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 77, 5394-5401.

Meisterhans G., Raymond N., Lebreton S., Salin F., Bourasseau L., de Montaudouin X., Garabetian F., Jude-Lemeilleur F. (2011) Dynamics of bacterial communities in cockles (Cerastoderma edule) with respect to trematode parasite (Bucephalus minimus) infestation, Microbial Ecology, 62, 620-631.

Bouletreau S., Sellali M., Elosegi A., Nicaise Y., Bercovitz Y., Moulin F., Eiff O., Sauvage S., Sanchez-Perez J.M., Garabetian F. (2010) Temporal dynamics of river biofilm in constant flows: A case study in a Riverside Laboratory flume, International Review of Hydrobiology, 95, 156-170.

Graba M., Moulin F. Y., Bouletreau S., Garabetian F., Kettab A., Eiff O., Sanchez-Perez J.M., Sauvage S. (2010) Effect of near-bed turbulence on chronic detachment of epilithic biofilm, Experimental and modeling approaches, Water Resources Research, 46, W11531.

Lyautey E., Bouletreau S., Madigou E.Y., Garabetian F. (2010) Viability of differentiated epilithic bacterial communities in the River Garonne (SW France), Hydrobiologia, 637, 207-218.

Duarte S., Pascoal C., Garabetian F., Cassio F., Charcosset J.Y. (2009) Microbial decomposer communities are mainly structured by trophic status in circumneutral and alkaline streams, Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 75, 6211-6221.

Paule A., Lyautey E., Garabetian F., Rols J.L. (2009) Autogenic versus environmental control during development of river biofilm, International Journal of Limnology, 45, 1-10..

Bouletreau S., Izagirre O., Garabetian F., Sauvage S., Elosegi A., Sanchez-Perez J.M. (2008) Identification of a minimal adequate model to describe the biomass dynamics of river epilithon, River Research and Applications, 24(1), 36-53.

Iribar A., Sanchez-Perez J.M., Lyautey E., Garabetian F. (2008) Differentiated free-living and sediment-attached bacterial community structure inside and outside denitrification hotspots in the river-groundwater interface, Hydrobiologia, 598(1), 109-121.

Teissier S., Sauvage S., Vervier P., Garabetian F., Sanchez-Perez J.M. (2008) A mass-balance approach to estimate in-stream processes in a large river, Hydrological Processes, 22(3), 420-428.

Teissier S., Torre M., Delmas F., Garabetian F. (2007) Detailing biogeochemical N budgets in riverine epilithic biofilms, Journal of the North American Benthological Society, 26(2), 178-190.

Vazquez-Rodriguez G.A., Garabetian F., Rols J.L. (2007) Inocula from activated sludge for ready biodegradability testing: Homogenization by preconditioning, Chemosphere, 68(8), 1447-1454.

Bouletreau S., Garabetian F., Sauvage S., Sanchez-Perez J.M. (2006) Assessing the importance of a self-generated detachment process in river biofilm models, Freshwater Biology, 51(5), 901-912.

Lyautey E., Jackson C.R., Cayrou J., Rols J.L., Garabetian F. (2005) Bacterial community succession in natural river biofilm assemblages, Microbial Ecology, 50, 589-601.

Lyautey E., Lacoste B., Ten Hage L., Rols J.L., Garabetian F. (2005) Analysis of bacterial diversity in river biofilms using 16S rDNA PCR-DGGE, methodological settings and fingerprints interpretation, Water Research, 39, 380-388.

Bettarel Y., Amblard C., Sime-Ngando T., Carrias J.F., Sargos D., Garabetian F., Lavandier P. (2003) Viral lysis, flagellate grazing potential and bacterial production in Lake Pavin, Microbial Ecology, 45, 119-127.

Lyautey E., Teissier S., Charcosset J.Y., Rols J.L., Garabetian F. (2003) Bacterial diversity of epilithic biofilm assemblages of an anthropised river section assessed by DGGE analysis of a 16S rDNA fragment, Aquatic Microbial Ecology, 33, 217-224.

Sanchez-Perez J.M., Vervier P., Garabetian F., Sauvage S, Loubet M, Rols J.L., Bariac T., Weng P. (2003) Nitrogen dynamics in the shallow groundwater of a riparian wetland zone of the Garonne, SW France, nitrate inputs, bacterial densities, organic matter supply and denitrification measurements, Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 7, 97-107.

Sauvage S., Teissier S., Vervier P., Ameziane T., Garabetian F., Delmas F., Caussade B. (2003) A numerical tool to integrate biophysical diversity of a large regulated river, hydro-biogeochemical bases. The case of the Garonne River (France), River Research and Applications, 19, 181-198.

Vervier P., Roques L., Baker M.A., Garabetian F., Auriol P. (2003) Biodegradation of dissolved free simple carbohydrates in surface, hyporheic and riparian waters of a large river, Archives vür Hydrobiologie, 153, 595-604.

Ameziane T., Garabetian F., Dalger D., Sauvage S., Dauta A., Capblancq J. (2002) Epilithic biomass in a large gravel bed river (La Garonne, France): a manifestation of eutrophication?, River Research and Applications, 18, 343-354.

Bettarel Y., Sime-Ngando T., Amblard C., Carrias J.F., Sargos D., Garabetian F., Lavandier P. (2002) The functionnal importance of bacteriophages in the microbial loop of an oligomesotrophic lake over a diel cycle, Annales de Limnologie, 4, 263-269.

Teissier S., Garabetian F., Torre M., Dalger D., Labroue L. (2002) Impact of an urban centre on the nitrogen cycle processes of epilithic biofilms during a summer low water period, River Research and Applications, 18, 21-30.

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